NSE Market Timings

Market Timings

Trading on the equities segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the equities segment are:

A) Pre-open session (Regular)
Order entry & modification Open: 09:00 hrs
Order entry & modification Close: 09:08 hrs*
*with random closure in last one minute. Pre-open order matching starts immediately after close of pre-open order entry

B) Pre-open Session for IPO and Relist Securities
Order entry & modification Open: 09:00 hrs
Order entry & modification Close: 09:45 hrs*
*with random closure in last one minute. Pre-open order matching starts immediately after close of pre-open order entry.

C) Regular trading session
Normal / Retail Debt / Limited Physical Market Open: 09:15 hrs
Normal / Retail Debt / Limited Physical Market Close: 15:30 hrs

Block deal session is held between 09:15 hrs and 09:50 hrs

D) The Closing Session is held between 15.40 hrs and 16.00 hrs

Market Timings


Market time 9.00 hrs – 15.00 hrs MFSS Segment
Series DP Dividend Payout option
DR Dividend reinvestment option
GR Growth option

Market Timings

The platform for borrowing and lending is available on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). Participants can also put early recall and early repayment orders on the trading platform.

The market timings of the Securities Lending & Borrowing Market are:

Market Open: 09:15 hrs
Market Close: 15:30 hrs


Market Timings

Trading on the derivatives segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the derivatives segment are:

Normal market / Exercise market open time : 09:15 hrs

Normal market close time : 15:30 hrs

Setup cutoff time for Position limit/Collateral value : 16:15hrs

Trade modification / Exercise market end time : 16:15hrs

Market Timings

Trading on the Currency Derivatives segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the currency derivatives segment are:

Normal Market Open : 09:00 hrs
Normal Market Close : 17.00 hrs

Market Timings

Trading on the Interest Rate Derivatives segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the interest rate derivatives segment are:

Normal Market Open : 09:00 hrs
Normal Market Close : 17.00 hrs

Market Timings

Trading in RDM segment takes place on all days of the week, except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance (The holidays on the RDM segment shall be the same as those on the Equities segment).

The market timings of the RDM segment are the same as the Equities segment, viz.:

Market Open: 09:15 hrs
Market Close: 15:30 hrs

Trading on the debt segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the debt segment are:

Trading Hours

Normal market open time: 09:00 hrs

Normal market close time : 17:00 hrs

Collateral value Set up cut off time: 17:20 hrs

Trade modification end time/Give up approval end time: 17:20 hrs

Market Timings

Trading in the WDM segment is open on all days except Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays, as specified by the Exchange. The market timings are as given below:

Settlement Monday to Friday
Same Day Settlement (Government Securities) 10.00 hrs to 15.00 hrs
Other Day Settlement (Government Securities) 10.00 hrs to 17.15 hrs
Same Day and Other Day Settlement (Non-Government Securities) 10.00 hrs to 18.15 hrs


Trading on WDM segment is divided into three phases as under:

Pre-Open Market Phase

The pre-open period commences from 9.00 hrs This period allows the trading member/Participant to:

  • set up counter party exposure limits
  • set up Market Watch (the security descriptor)
  • make inquiries

Market Open Phase

The system allows for inquiries of the following activities when the market is open for trading:

  • Order Entry
  • Order Modification
  • Order Cancellation
  • Negotiated Entry
  • Trade Cancellation
  • Setting up counter party exposure limits

Post Market Phase (also called SURCON)

During the period of SURCON (SURveillance and CONtrol) a trading member gets only inquiry access with a facility to request for trade cancellation. On completion of SURCON the trading system processes data and gets the system ready for the next day.

Note: The Exchange may however close the market on days other than the above schedule holidays or may open the market on days originally declared as holidays. The Exchange may also extend, advance or reduce trading hours when its deems fit and necessary.


Source: NSE